Working out reduces levels of stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol, in the body. Exercise can’t make your stress disappear, but it can calm your body and your brain and get you into the right frame of mind to identify and tackle what’s causing your stress. Regular exercise also reduces the intensity of the stress you are feeling, clears your thoughts and helps you deal with problems.

Physical activity releases endorphins in the brain. These feel-good chemicals improve mental health and reduce stress and anxiety. The benefits can be felt after just a few minutes of exercise, but regular exercise has been proven to help with longer-term mental health issues. Working out also gives you a boost by having a positive effect on your self-esteem and body image … so come join us for a relaxing Pilates workout!



Healthy daily life

Did you know that the most likely back pain actually comes from the muscles, ligaments and joints? The good news is you can certainly prevent this issue from re-occurring. How?

The best back pain relief is a combination of a few different treatments:

  • A good massage
  • A hot bath or heat pack (place on the affected area)
  • Exercise

Tips on how you can prevent back pain are:

This approach more often than not will address the problem; however if your back pain relates to arthritis or osteoporosis, you might need to take medication (pain relief or anti-inflammatories). The best way to find out what is causing your back pain is to visit your GP. If required, they will recommend some exercises to relieve the pain. Getting a diagnosis is the first step. Then it’s time to look at your lifestyle to see what you need to do differently. Our sedentary existence is a large part to blame. Instead of popping pain-killers on a daily basis, there is an alternative method of supportive treatment such as Pilates.

  1. Regular exercise that is appropriate for your body and fitness level
  2. Maintain your body weight
  3. Avoid sitting for extended periods
  4. Correct posture
  5. A Stress-free life (easier said than done!)


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